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Shapes for Issues & Risks

Discover how to use Shapes so that you can articulate your ideas better in 3D Model space

Written by Faisal Ramady
Updated over a week ago

The Shapes feature in Issues & Risks allows you to add extra information in the 3D Model environment. Use it to create 3D Model markups or take quick measurements that are saved to Issues or Risks for other users to see.

We'll cover the following:

Create Shapes

  • Go to and load your model/federation

  • Create a new Issue / Risk or open an existing one

  • Go to the Shapes tab and choose from one of the following 2 options:

Option 1. Point to Point

  • Click on the Point to Point icon to activate (orange) the feature.
    Click on it again to deactivate it (grey)

  • Click on the model geometry to start locating points in the model

  • The measurement point is:
    - Red when you hover in space
    - Grey when you hover over model geometry
    - Green when you snap onto a surface edge

  • The measurement line is fixed with a default navy blue colour

A message at the bottom right will automatically indicate that your issue/risk is updated for every change.

Option 2. Custom Polygonal Area

  • Click on the Custom Polygonal Area icon to activate (orange) the feature.
    Click on it again to deactivate it (grey).

  • Click on the model geometry to start locating points in the model.
    After each click, a point appears in the model to form the polygonal area.

  • The measurement point is:
    - Red when you hover in space
    - Grey when you hover on model geometry
    - Green when you snap onto a surface edge

  • You can spin around the model whilst measuring or selecting your next point

  • To finish your Custom Polygonal Area measurement click on the Flag icon as your final point selection

Change Shapes name

  • Hover over the length or area name and click on the pen icon

  • Rename the length or area in the text editor and click on the Save icon

  • Click on the X button if you wish to cancel

Change Shapes colour

  • By default, all Lengths measurements have a dark blue colour and all Areas measurements have a pink colour

  • Click on the paint drop-down next to the length or area you wish to update

  • Select a colour from the palette or enter a custom HEX code

  • Click on the green Save button
    A new colour will apply to the measurement in the model

Expand/Collapse Shapes list

  • Click on the arrow icon to expand and collapse the list of Lengths and Areas. This option is particularly useful when dealing with a large list of measurements and shapes

Remove a shape

  • Click on the X icon next to each shape (Length and Area) to individually delete it from the Shapes tab

Total Distance & Total Custom Polygonal Area

  • New length and area measurements appear in the Shapes tab with the relevant distance/area as per model or federation units. Each time you add or remove a measurement the Total length or area count will update.

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