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4.22 Change Log

Updates to 3D Repo - February 2022

Written by Faisal Ramady
Updated over a week ago

New Features

Navisworks NWD support for file uploads

  • Upload Navisworks NWD directly to 3D Repo

  • Compatible with all existing integrations (Asite, Projectwise etc.)

  • Supported up to Navisworks 2022

  • File format information found here πŸ‘‰ Supported File Formats

Link mitigated Risks back to Treatment Suggestions template:

  • New toggle in Teamspace setting page

  • Mitigated (Fully & Partial) risk mitigations are automatically added to treatment suggestions

  • Risks mitigated in one Project are available to all other Project in the Teamspace

  • Updates to mitigated Risks are automatically synced to the treatment list

Added time zone configuration for 4D SPM files

  • Choose relevant timezone for 4D Synchro SPM uploads

  • Default timezone selected based on current browser location

  • Guidance found here πŸ‘‰ Supporting different timezones

PowerBI Custom Visual Updates


  • Added screenshot update reference to PDF Report

  • License server for private deployments

  • Updated "Import Animation" feature for SPM files

  • Updated Risk mitigation front-end errors causing a white screen

  • Fixed Smart Groups import/export for models uploaded before 4.20

  • Update Smart Groups element count logic

  • Fixed text validation which was preventing "@" being used in passwords

  • Fixed UI oddity with Groups when user was updating group

  • Increased chat server reliability for instant updates

  • Added mobile browser to whitelist for testing

  • Smart Groups now search substring to find parameter names, rather than just the beginning of the string

  • BCF 2.1 support

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