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Issues Card options

Discover other functionalities and settings of the Issues Card

Written by Faisal Ramady
Updated over a week ago

Click on the Settings Icon to discover further functionalities of the Issues Card.

In the pop-up menu you'll get the following options:

  • Create Report
    Create a printable or digital PDF report of the issues.
    Learn how to create an Issues Report here

  • Import BCF
    Upload a BCF file containing Issues from other models/federations or applications (this doesn't include Issue pins).

  • Export BCF
    Download the Issues locally in a BCF file format (this doesn't include pins).

  • Download JSON
    Download a JSON file which contains all the Issue data. It is a popular file format that you can open in other applications such as PowerBI, Tableau or Excel. Visualise your project issues with custom dashboards to track your project's overall progress.

  • Sort Order
    Click on this option to toggle the Sort Order of your issues in the Issues Card. Rearrange the list chronologically by Ascending or Descending order.
    ​Sorting the issues does not affect the number of issues displayed in the list. Check out the filter feature if some of the issues are missing from the list.
    1. Sort by 'Created at' to sort the issue by the date of its creation in 3D Repo
    2.Sort by 'Date' to sort the issue by its due date

  • Show Pins
    Hide or Reveal Issue Pins in the model viewer. To change pin visibility in the model click once on Show Pins to enable (βœ“) and again to disable ( )

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