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Import/Export BCF

Learn how to import or export new or existing issues using BCF

Written by Faisal Ramady
Updated over a week ago

The Import BCF functionality allows you to upload new or existing Issues to 3D Repo using the BCF schema. This is a great way to facilitate information exchange between external applications and 3D Repo.

Here is how you can upload BCF to 3D Repo:

  • Open a model or federation you wish to import BCF
    Alternatively use the Kanban Board

  • Open the Issues Card and go to the settings menu

  • Select Import BCF

  • In the file explorer window select the BCF file you want to upload
    The message ‘Uploading BCF’ will appear at the bottom of the Issues card

  • Imported issues will appear in the list as shown below

You can export a custom list of BCF Issues. For instance, if you are looking to export Issues assigned to Architect only, then filter for those issues and click export BCF. This workflow is similar to exporting custom PDF Reports.

Use BCF to transfer issues between projects in 3D Repo

Use the Export BCF option to download the list of issues in 3D Repo.

Follow the same Import BCF steps illustrated above to upload the list of issues into another model/federation in 3D Repo.


Not Transferred

Issues names

X Pins (will not appear in the model)

Information (text and fields)

X Issue Attachments

Camera views

X Issue Shapes

Section planes

Object Selections

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